

i made it. 13.1 miles. i ran the whole thing. all of it.

so talk about some mental blocks ... i began in corral 26. with the walkers. all those cheaters from way back snuck up in my block and i got lumped in with the walkers. not that there's anything wrong with walking ... but the course was only so wide at places, and i swear to you i ran at least 1/4 mile just doing zig-zags to get in between walkers. i have to tell you i had no love for the walkers until after i was done. at mile 3 i had to pee - there was no denying it. i stood in line for over 3 minutes, so that hurt my time too. i was hoping to finish at 2:40, and i ended up right at 2:50 and change. and i'm pretty sure they didn't measure the course quite right. they changed the cones in the military reserve base - i don't know what they did or why they did it, but they changed the cones and i ran part of the course twice. WHO DOES THAT. seriously.

but i tried gu for the first time and didn't hurl. i thought i might, but i didn't.

i drank cytomax every four miles and it made me have a cramp where my heart is. not a big one, but one just enough to make me think i probably shouldn't drink it again. but then by the time that next four miles was over, i wanted it again - not a lot. just a little. on mile 11, i actually drank the whole cup of water, and not just the little that i could gulp down while not breaking stride, and then trying to chuck it without hitting a volunteer.

after mile 10, every mile felt twice as long as the one before it. i could not believe how painful the last three were. i couldn't quit. i just couldn't. i don't know how i DIDN'T. it was ridiculous the mental pain, the physical pain. when i crossed the finish line, and took my first walking step, i thought i was going to collapse. my muscles didn't hurt like that running. walking, still, is excruciating though. every public toilet from VAB to here was a test of my strength all over again. just think about it. i actually panicked all day saturday because i slammed myself into my bed frame. the footboard is steel pipe, about two inches in diameter, and i have a bruise and knot the same size right above my right knee. i thought for sure i was going to be out in two miles or less. weird thing is it didn't bother me at all running - i never even knew i had it. but every step walking was pain. hallelujah.

i completed my goal, which is awesome to me, and amazing. it inspires me to want to do it again in a way. and in another way i don't ever want to do it again. i suppose i should never say never.

the weather was absolute perfection until this morning when it rained like crazy (which of course made it easier to leave!). not only that, we got comp'd TWO VIP/BACKSTAGE PASSES TO SEE HEART!!! saturday night, we ate fantastic pizza, and then headed over to watch Heart play. they were amazing! to see them in person was one of the most beautiful things ever - nancy wilson sounds studio quality when she sings. they opened with barracuda - ann wilson rocked. she has one of the most amazing voices i think i've ever heard and to hear her and watch her sing live made my heart smile.

after the run yesterday, we took a three-hour nap, and were still on the beach at 3:30. we hung out for a while, then hit a seafood restaurant next door that was delicious! we had a 90-minute wait, but it was worth it. we followed that up with a hot tub soak, and bed. yeah ... our room had a heart-shaped whirlpool tub. i'm still laughing!!! but it was exactly what we needed. i think it's helped my muscles a ton. if i can get ARB to bed early a few nights this week i might take a super long soak in his fancy claw foot tub!

what an absolutely perfect weekend!

- quantitative proof i have more mental strength than i give myself credit for
- sweet hugs from my baby
- my bed

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